Friday, 29 April 2011

All Dogs & Cats Go To Heaven

Late last night, driving home from an early movie, a friend and I seen a cat laying in the middle of the road…. still alive. Being the animal lover that I am, I could not just leave it there and not do anything, like most of the drivers did. My friend and I took this cat and drove from one end of our city to the other and then some! We drove for two hours, knocking on doors, using willing and helpful and concerned strangers phones.
Until finally we found a clinic that was more than helpful and willing to take in a precious stray. This wonderful cat that I only knew for a short while, grabbed a hold of my heart so tight.
In the end, his head wounds were to great for him. In the hands of two strangers and three wonderful caring vets, I told him that I loved him and named him Gabriel. He was peacefully put to sleep and carefully and well cared for.

Later when I got home, I called my mother to vent and cry like I knew I would. She also was in the same state as me. Our beautiful and loving family dog Jessie had also past away earlier that day.

I only wish that I could make things last forever. But I can’t, because we are not meant to. But I do believe there is a place we go after we leave this world. A place where everything we loved waits for us.

…I call it Heaven.

Until then My freind, R.I.P Gabriel & Jessie


I would like to take this time to thank the Cavan Hills Veterinary Clinic. For you patients with directions, and the love and absolute care you gave to an animal you didn't know. I salute you all.

- Moi

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