I do a lot of thinking at night. SO much so that I have a hard time winding down enough to feel sleep take over my thoughts. ... I think about the many events that have taken place that day, that changes I would have made *if I had thought of them at that very moment the event took place* I'm sure the best of us do. I think about the days to come.... the clothes I'll wear, the things I'll say, I'll even work out the different scenarios of conversations and the response I'll give. Then there are those nights when you think about the things you didn't say, or the things you wish you hadn't. A fight that may have taken place that day.... the one that keeps replaying in your head... and before you realize it, it's 4:00 in the morning and you still feel wide awake. You sit and stare around a dark room. Hear the humming of the fans * If you sleep with 2 like I do * The small quiet noises the house makes at night. The soft breathing of a another sleeping body beside you. I wonder what they dream about while they sleep..? ... or how they can fall asleep so fast. It's almost alien like how one falls asleep so quick.
Then when sleep finally takes over.... you don't even remember how or when, it just happened. Then the alarm goes off and you feel as if you just fell asleep 10 minutes ago. This is a daily occurrence for me, one I painfully wish to stop... and because of all this, I have a partner who thinks I was born a grouch. * I promise I wasn't *
But for the most part some individuals don't understand the effects of a sleepless night and what it can have on one person.... because my partner can fall asleep NO PROBLEM, so what does he care...? Instead I get "your just a grouchy person"... "why are you such a grouch" ... grouch grouch grouch GROUCH.....
I'm tired, I need to sleep for maybe even a day or 2.... maybe a week. Sleep is important. You would be surprised what a good nights sleep can do for the human body.
"The benefits of sleep impact nearly every area of daily life. While it may be obvious that sleep is beneficial, most people don’t realize how much sleep they need and why it is so important. According to the Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School, your body manages and requires sleep in much the same way that it regulates the need for eating, drinking, and breathing. Extensive research has been done on the effects of sleep. These studies have consistently shown that sleep plays a vital role in promoting physical health, longevity, and emotional well-being.
This explains why, after a good night's sleep, you feel better, your thoughts are clearer, and your emotions are less fragile. Without adequate sleep, judgment, mood, and ability to learn and retain information are weakened. Over time, chronic sleep deprivation may lead to an array of serious medical conditions including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and even early mortality."
So you see... it is much better for everyone, mainly myself, that I get sleep. Don't call me a "grouch" or other stupid names... that only makes things more complicated, because then you have to deal with an angry woman who hasn't had any sleep...... and no man wants that right.
Happy wife, happy life ... or so they say.
- A Sleepy Blonde <3